
WWII_Memorial.jpgHonor Flight88 viewsLaying of a wreath at the WWII Memorial in Washington, DC during the weekend of June, 2015, 71 years after the D-Day landing.

Steven_C__Brown.jpgEverybody's Friend - 2/9th Mail Clerk88 viewsSteven is the one that drove me out to the Oasis and told me he was going back to the states, and we had the same MOS. I got his job. Photo furnished by Paul Howe.

JFO-72.JPGRiver & Rice Paddies88 viewsEarly morning view from the mountaintop.

C_Crochet_-_J_Dauphin.JPGJoint Dinner - C-1-35 & 2/9th88 viewsCarol Crochet, spouse of Wayne Crochet, chats with Jackie Dauphin

Joe_-_Hosp_Suite.jpgAt the Hospitality Suite88 viewsJoe Henderson and friends.
Photo Courtesy of Joe Henderson

Jim_Joe_Mike.jpgBanquet Social Hour88 viewsMike Kurtgis, Joe Henderson, Jim Connolly - regular Redlegs at the evening banquet.
Photo courtesy of Joe Henderson

DTurner-21.jpgCannoneers at work88 views

Paul_Howe_with_boy.JPGMan and boy88 viewsPaul Howe sits and chats with a young boy scout. Behind them is the ubiquitous concertina wire to identify a perimeter.

GDB-4.jpgThe "Killer"88 viewsDon't know about "secret", but the Ho Chi Minh trail was the "killer" because it was the main pipeline for food, weapons and re-supply for our enemies. It was never successfully shutdown; this vital trail, in supposedly "neutral" countries, seriously hampered our efforts to end the war.

GDB-9.JPGCircus comes to town?88 viewsNot likely; it was discovered that elephants were used to move supplies through the jungle by the enemy forces.

Firing_Range_4.jpgFiring Range88 views

J_Turner_2.JPGFiring Range88 viewsPhoto courtesy of Joe Turner
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