
mc-3.JPGPFC David L. Durst88 viewsRelaxing at the Oasis. The shower shoes look more comfortable than combat boots.

mc-13.JPGThe Big Picture88 viewsPerimeter looking towards the road incoming to LZ Oasis.

CS-5.jpgWaldman Collection - Computer Simulation Class88 views"We need volunteers. Raise your hands if you want to go".

JD-5.JPG88 views

JD-27.JPG88 views

LZ_Lois_-_Christmas,_1969.JPGLZ Lois - Christmas Day, 196988 viewsAfter barely getting back from the "Christmas Eve Raid" and getting to sleep, I get awakened by excited calls that there are round-eyes on the firebase and there is going to be a show. Yeah sure...it was an over-the-hill DJ and 4 would-be starlets stopping by for a few minutes to pose for pictures and punch their "patriotic" ticket.

LZ_Abbey.JPGLZ Abbey - Beautiful88 viewsLZ Abbey was as beautiful as LZ Tuffy was terrifying. It was near Bong Son. (continued).

StG-4.JPGMemories of LZ St George88 viewsCobra attack helo.

RW-14.JPGIt's functional88 viewsMaybe it has no faucet but if you fill it with warm water, it's a pretty decent field shower.

Pleiku_Sight-Seeing.JPGPleiku series88 viewsIn the background are the merchants and shoppers.

Pleiku_Montagnard.JPGPleiku series88 viewsPleiku Montagnard: Carrying his wares to sell at the market.
{Montagnards were indigenous to the mountainous areas of Vietnam; they were a very friendly people and somehow managed to stay out of the entanglements with the VC and NVA. The Vietnamese people weren't so lucky.}

IMG_6137.jpgFound my Freedom Bird!88 viewsWith a lot of help from an ex-C-141 pilot, I was able to track down and
reunite with the plane that brought me home from Vietnam. I just happened
to have one picture of me with the plane, and I was able to use the tail
number to find my plane.
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