
WS-169.JPGParty Time88 views"Here's to ya!" SSgt Schwan and Robert Boeding of the Survey Section. Perhaps they are saying, "Let's have another 'round'?"

DK-Firebase6.jpg88 views

DK-Pers4.jpgMen of B-1-3588 views

DK-Pers16.jpg88 viewsCapt Barton, B/1/35, checks with one of his troops.

DK-Pers32.jpg88 views"This place is Off Limits? Why didn't somebody tell me?"
Lt Don Keith peers through the "curtains".

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FiringPsn.JPG88 views

mapper.jpg88 views

saltcache.JPG88 viewsPlatoon Leader Lt. John McRae with Capt Ed Nealon (right) holding handfuls of salt.

sunrise.jpg88 views

VCseries001.JPG88 views

Turner_17.jpgTarget Practice88 viewsCH-47 Armed Chinooks, "Guns A-Go-Go" provide demonstrations and target practice.
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