
Turner_101.jpg89 views

DK-Coat_of_Arms.jpg89 viewsComplete description of our 2/9th's Coat of Arms. Courtesy of Don Keith's album of memories.

JW-3c.JPGView from EM personnel bunker89 viewsSame view; clearer picture.

JW-2a.JPGCigar Team89 viewsPFC Hourigan puffing away with Sp4 Ronald Hammond, his cannoneer buddy. LZ OD, August, 1967.

JW-6a.JPGArtillery Architects89 viewsIngenious redlegs build their own messhall from ammo boxes. Sgt Dan "Ma" Stamper was the unit Cook.

Wald-2.JPGBase Camp, 196689 viewsPFC Marion Sullivan standing between the trails.

Wald-13.JPGAn Khe Pass; Hwy 1989 viewsTank Wrecker in background.

Wald-30.JPGWaiting on guns89 viewsRedlegs occupy LZ Tip, Jan 67, while waiting for the guns to arrive.

JW-31.JPG89 views

SA-18.JPGParty Time! C-1-35 & 2/9th Arty at the LaMargarita89 viewsReunion veterans Sgt Jim Connolly and Sgt Ernie Correia, are in attendance once again. Both Jim and Ernie served in the TOC with the 35th Battalion staff.

JCook77.JPG"Willy" Wilams89 viewsPFC Richard A. (Willy) Willams standing outside the ten in the elephant grass.

JCook-113.JPGConvoy Lead vehicle89 viewsNote reads: "Road March. First tiem since May 11 (1966) when Operation Paul Revere started."
I'm driving the lead vehicle as Capt Osborne, BC, climbs aboard. A dozer leads the way for us.
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