The Mighty Ninth

Strive To Reach The Summit

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Chic-26.JPGJust a little90 viewsJackie Dauphin advises son Danny to have just a "little" dessert in order to stay slim.
StG-10.JPGMemories of LZ St George90 viewsA slick unloads personnel. An "everyday" sight in Vietnam.
StG-23.JPGMemories of LZ St George90 viewsA 4th Inf Division monument.
Robert_L__Brown.jpgGoing on R&R90 viewsPFC Robert L. Brown is in the locker room getting ready to leave for R&R. He was from Milwaukee, WI.
Beddingfield_-_Arnold.JPGJoint Dinner - C-1-35 & 2/9th90 viewsPast Presidents Jim Beddingfield and Dick Arnold of the 35th Inf Regt were invited guests of the joint dinner at Ft Myer.
Dinner_Table_talk.JPGJoint Dinner - C-1-35 & 2/9th90 viewsDinner conversations at the club.
Jenny_Young.JPGFOUND - 50 Years Later!90 viewsYESSS! Donut Dolly Jennifer (Jenny) Young located The Mighty Ninth website last year, but was unable to schedule a trip to the 35th Reunion. This year, she and friend Jack Schell attended to a warm welcome from all the veterans present. They applauded the unselfish, dedicated service of these young women who braved the dangers of being on a firebase in the front of the combat zone to visit with us. Jenny gave a rousing "Welcome Home" speech at the Saturday evening banquet.
LtDoug_Turner.jpgFO Lt Doug Turner90 viewsHold this image: Lt Doug Turner, FO for A/2/35, November, 1966.
GDB-11.JPGShort Round, "B" Battery mascot90 views
AS-1.JPGAir Drop of supplies90 viewsEveryone knew the drill. A CH-47 Chinook had a slingload of something under its belly and dropped off the load. There were few useful roadways in Nam that weren't subject to daily ambush.
AS-12.JPGSupply Drop90 viewsThese are key supplies delivered by sling under a Chinook.
Firing_Range_1.jpgThe M-4 Rifle90 viewsLatest individual weapon that a Trainee must qualify on. It has a scope with special lens.
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