
Doubletree.jpgThe Hilton Doubletree Hotel - 18th Annual Reunion92 viewsThe 18th Annual Reunion of the 35th Inf Regt Assn was held in late September, 2016. The location will be the Doubletree Hotel in Arlington, VA, but also known as the Washington, DC, Crystal City area.

JFO-46.JPGConvoy92 viewsTroops moving by truck with the villagers nearby. Pontoon bridge ahead.

A_Battery_Sign.jpgBattery Location92 viewsThe proud insignia of A/2/9 stands at LZ Oasis.

DTurner-24.jpgRC-292s provide firebase communications92 views

O-Club_Gathering.JPGJoint Dinner - Joint Units92 viewsAt the Ft Myer Dinner: Bert Landau, Joe Henderson, Jerry Walling, Dave Collins, and Lee Okerstrom.

Paul_Howe___parrot.JPGAnother Nam buddy92 viewsPaul Howe with a parrot on his shoulder. Note the shield of the 2/9th on his left jacket pocket.

JC-3.JPGFlyboy92 viewsLt Al Curran - 2/9th FA Bn Pilot, May 1968 - 1969

AS-11.JPGNew Position92 viewsEvery time we hit a new position, there was a lot of digging in and construction to be done.

FP-9.jpgThursday Firepower Demonstration92 views

Grad_2.jpgGraduation92 viewsDS Riley calls cadence and commands to the grads.

Firing_Range_3.jpgFiring Range92 views

J_Turner_3.JPGFiring Range92 viewsPhoto courtesy of Joe Turner
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