
GDB-1.JPGYep, I got "the call"93 views"Uncle Sam Wants Me". My personal invitation to report to Oklahoma City, OK for induction.

JC-2.JPGComparing notes here93 viewsFrom L to R: Lt Monte Lafitte, FO; Me; Lt james "Jim" Green; SFC Garcia

JC-8.JPGUnknowns93 viewsRecognize anyone?

AS-19.JPGScenic Overlook93 viewsIf you were lucky, your next position looked like this. You had both the commanding high ground against the enemy and a beautiful scene every day.

Grad_1.jpgGraduation93 viewsThe graduates enter. This was the start of a very impressive BCT graduation ceremony whereby each member was announced and presented a certificate. Several had already earned rank before going on to AIT.
Photo courtesy of Bob Wilson

MK-6.JPGBCT Graduation93 viewsPhoto courtesy of Mike Kurtgis

MK-11.JPGArrival93 viewsMike Kurtgis, John Cashin, and Carlton Epps all served together in Nam. Like a 50-year old reunion!

MK-9.JPGThursday Firepower Demonstration93 viewsCarlton Epps, Mike Kurtgis, Moon Mullins and John Cashin attend the FP demonstration.
Photo courtesy of Mike Kurtgis

LK-3.jpgEveryone's photo target93 viewsBy far, the most common photos coming home from Vietnam were the Hueys, Chinooks, gunships and fixed wing aircraft.

Joe_H-4.JPGFirst Event - Ted's Cafe, Lawton93 viewsBill Henson, Past President of the 35th Assn, Jim Connolly, and Joe Henderson. Jim and Joe worked in the TOC (Tactical Operations Center) of the 2/35th Inf Battalion.

Joe_H-2.JPGFirst Event - Ted's Cafe, Lawton93 viewsJoe (in neon yellow shirt) and Sandy Turner next to Ernie Correia, who is wearing his "official" 2/9th shirt.

Joe_H-17.JPGArrival93 viewsJoe Henderson, Bill Henson, Past President of the 35th Regt Assn, and Jim Connolly.
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