
barb_30.JPGMike's Sports Grill94 viewsSteve Cox chats with Terry Stuber at the closing banquet.
Photo courtesy of Barbara Moeller

BB-46.JPGLeaving the LZ94 viewsGetting ready to move off LZ Mile High. L to R: Carlos Casteel, Bob Becker, Charlie South and UNK.

BB-51.JPG94 views

BB-60.JPGKids with helmets94 viewsPhil Orville and Bob Becker with a couple of inquisitive kids.

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Jack-Ed2.jpgJack Burr & Ed Thomas93 viewsLt Jack Burr & FO Ed Thomas - Competitive leadership: where the heck are we? Jack holds the "binos" while Ed aims his M1 Compass.

GDS-8.JPGLuxury accomodations93 viewsField tent next to howitzer emplacement.

GDS-42.JPGLZ 10B93 viewsSetting up the firing battery. Note that the trails have not been dug in.

GDS-155.JPGExecutive Practice93 viewsBtry CO Lt Springer gets "down & dirty" practicing the craft of the cannoneers as he prepares to load a projo. He and the XO made it a point to learn and remember just how important each crew member's job was.

GDS-162.JPGQui Nhon93 viewsHotel Bed

GDS-208.JPGHill 5493 viewsHill 54 complete. Home of the 1/14th Golden Dragons.
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