
DK-Firebase.jpg94 viewsAmmo bunkers on OD

Turner_83.jpg94 views

Turner_87.jpg94 views

SpiderHole.jpgWazzit?94 viewsIt looks somewhat like a spider hole, but it is actually a "lean-to" with two air mattresses side by side. Better than sleeping on the ground.

TrngSession2.jpgTraining & Demo94 viewsTraining conducted inside the space of the 105mm trails

JW-4.JPGEnlisted FDC Bunker94 viewsSeveral items of interest here: the neatly stacked sandbags, the pickaxe, the water cans and wash basin, and canteen cups hanging off the roof. Note there is a DOOR on this bunker! Now that's civilized!

SA-19.JPGParty Time! C-1-35 & 2/9th Arty at the LaMargarita94 viewsFO Lt Jim James and spouse Doniece arrived just a little late as Jim had to deal with his "double-booted" vehicle. But they had a great time!

Denver-2.JPGOld friends and memories94 viewsLt Bert Landau chuckles remember those days of humping the boonies with Sgt Lyle Shargent.

Denver-7.JPGHaving a good time!94 views"Cowboy" Danny Fort, Joe & Martha Henderson, and Jim Connolly attending the combined C-1-35 & Mighty Ninth party at the Rock Bottom Grill.

Cover_2.jpg35th Reunion - 201294 viewsSequence of Events - Banquet

JM-17.JPGFO McHugh94 viewsLt James McHugh, Forward Observer, has his beer in hand.

Bn_Co.JPG2/9th Battalion Commander94 viewsHere the BnCo, LTC Redmond Forrester, is flying out.
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