
DK-Gallantry.jpg95 views

SA-13.JPGParty Time! C-1-35 & 2/9th Arty at the LaMargarita95 viewsLt FO Dennis Munden appears justly proud of amazing his audience with his story-telling. Lovely spouse Alexis Munden seated at right and Lt Gary Dean Springer (with the "Santa Claus" hair) is seated at the table end.

BL-2.JPGThe Saturday Night Banquet95 viewsBanquet photos courtesy of Lt Bert Landau, FO, 2/9th Arty.

J_Orr-21.JPGFriday Night Special at LaMargarita95 viewsFork? Fork? We must be sitting next to the Grunts!

JCook68.JPGBase Camp Motor Pool95 viewsBoy, I thought we were getting pretty fancy!

JCook76.JPGAll my possessions95 viewsEverything I owned, clothes in a waterproof ammo fuze box.

JCook96.JPGFlags Flying95 viewsThe U S flag and the Republic of Korea flags.

JCook-120.JPGDressed for R&R95 viewsLooking clean and civilized...ready to go on R&R.

JCook-125.JPGPFC Lawrence Bentman95 viewsPFC Lawrence Bentman joins me on an R&R trip to Taipei.

Banquet-14.JPGMug Shot?95 viewsDavid Dunn of A/2/35 is all smiles as wife Chris mugs for the camera.
Note to Chris: Didn't your mother warn you about making faces? That they would stick? Well...it did! And now its all over the Internet.

DFort-Denver8.JPGCowboy Danny Fort's Photos95 views

SK-2a.JPGARVN with kids95 viewsAn ARVN soldier stands among young kids.
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