The Mighty Ninth

Strive To Reach The Summit

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JO-19.JPGReunion Photos - Jerry Orr96 viewsIn the field to watch the trainees go through the hand grenade toss.
Coins-4.JPGChallenge Coins96 viewsDisplay of the challenge coins.
mc-2.JPGLarge Tent96 viewsThis may have been "Home Sweet Home" for some of our redlegs at the Oasis.
mc-10.JPGThe Mess Hall96 viewsThis is the Mess Hall at LZ Oasis; it had a dirt floor. I don't know its origins. This is the building that we totally refurbished into a first class dining place.
MB-8.jpgThe Waldman Collection - Mattie Beal House Tour96 viewsOh-oh...Martha Henderson spots a leak in the ceiling.
JD-6.JPG96 views
StG-20.JPGMemories of LZ St George96 viewsLooking down the long barrel of the 106mm recoilless rifle.
StG-24.JPGMemories of LZ St George96 viewsYes, I was there.
RW-39.JPGCave Smoke Break96 viewsSgt Barrington taking a smoke break after enjoying a hot meal with the 1/14th soldiers.
Pleiku_GI_Bartering.JPGPleiku series96 viewsPlieku GI bartering: Some GI's interacting with the Vietnamese children. Notice the one young girl holding something she wants to sell.

{Webmaster's Note: Many American-made items wound up in the local black markets. It was always amazing since there were certainly no legitimate means of distribution.}
Christmas_Pleiku_12-66.jpgPleiku series96 viewsThis was a Christmas party and dinner for kids from a local orphanage. Too bad this didn't make the news back home. It was more sensational news to sell the troops as "baby killers".
DTurner-19.jpgRugged Terrain of the Central Highlands96 views
4987 files on 416 page(s) 251