
JD-8.JPG96 views

2-9th_Challenge_Coin.jpg2/9th Artillery Challenge Coin96 viewsFront/Rear of the Challenge Coin presented to the President of the 35th Inf Regt Association and all of its Past Presidents. Additionally, a Challenge Coin was presented to the Active Duty Commander of the 35th, LTC O'Connor.

Hq,_2-9th_Bn.JPGFinal Nam Destination96 viewsSp5 James Keller stands next to the Hq, 2/9th Arty sign at Camp Enari before the men are dispersed to other units and The Mighty Ninth returns to the states.
I was at Camp Enari 69/70 HSB, when 2/9th was deactivated was sent to Camp Radcliffe in Mar 70 to 4/42 Arty Btry A. S3 went home 8Jul70!!

StG-24.JPGMemories of LZ St George96 viewsYes, I was there.

RW-39.JPGCave Smoke Break96 viewsSgt Barrington taking a smoke break after enjoying a hot meal with the 1/14th soldiers.

RW-52.JPGBan Me Thout96 viewsWhile waiting on the Huey to pick us up, these kids came walking by and allowed us to take pictures.

JFO-62.JPGSee Vietnam96 viewsNope, I've already seen it.

DTurner-25.jpgTaking a Stream Break96 viewsCooling off in a stream in the mountains was a real treat...when you found one!

DTurner-19.jpgRugged Terrain of the Central Highlands96 views

Joe_11.jpgAt the top96 viewsEnjoying the food and the view from the top of the revolving restaurant at the Doubletree Hilton.
Photo Courtesy of Joe Henderson

Fire_in_the_hole-1a.JPGDestroying enemy munitions96 viewsA cave with enemy munitions is loaded up with plenty of C-4 explosive.

GDB-12.JPG"B" Battery firebase96 views
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