
SwedeVisit.JPGMajGen Swede Larsen97 viewsMajor General Swede Larsen presents Lt Ed Thomas with the Bronze Star award with "V" device.

GDS-189.JPGTaking the bus97 viewsLocals crammed in these small Lambrettas; served as their bus.

GDS-217.JPGThe FO Team97 viewsFO Team for "B", 1/14th: Chief, UNK, me & Groninger.

GDS-232.JPG97 views

GDS-245.JPGPrisoners97 viewsSuspected VC captured.

GDS-246.JPGPrisoners97 viewsSuspected VC captured.

GDS-251.JPGPX - Camp Enari97 viewsSign reads: Camp Enari - Exchange.
4th Inf Div - Dragon Mountain.

WS-130.JPGBoeding & Crooks97 viewsRobert Boeding & Griffith Crooks

WS-167.JPGParty Time97 viewsTime for food, drink and fun,

ScenicTrail.jpg97 views

DK-Pers1b.JPG97 viewsCapt Barton and 1Sgt Tewwis show off a water buffalo skull.

Turner_32.jpgBelt Ammo97 viewsLong belts of ammo spitting plenty of hot lead to the ground targets.
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