
RW-16.JPGPith helmet?98 viewsDowntown Pleiku: young girl wears a pith helmet instead of the more common conical hat (non la).

RW-15.JPGDowntown Pleiku98 viewsThis place never made it as a tourist destination.

Selling_Tickets.JPG"You want HOW many???98 viewsTerry Savely mans the Registration Table offering raffle tickets for sale. The 50/50 drawing split this year was $1,100, a nice, tidy sum to the winner. And, the winner was Ms Linda Curtis, guest of 2/9th Redleg Mike Kurtgis. She donated the winnings back to the 35th in memory of Lt Roger Fulkerson, an FO from the 2/9th serving with the 35th in the field. Roger was the best friend of Mike Kurtgis. Fulkerson was KIA in a firefight.

JFO-52.JPGGrunts on the trail98 viewsSome areas of the jungle were thinner than others.

JFO-57.JPGEvery day war98 viewsOne of the strangest things in Nam was that the "locals" went about their business every day. It was like war was a common thing in their country.

JFO-66.JPGScenic camping98 viewsWhen a unit wasn't in contact, life in the field wasn't too bad.

JFO-71.JPGInflating the air mattress98 viewsThey went everywhere we went. Indispensable to a good night's rest.

JFO-68.JPGSearch & Destroy98 viewsAnyone humping the boonies can relate to this photo.

35th_Program_1.JPGCover Page - Program for Saturday Evening Banquet98 views{Double click on photo to enlarge}

GDB-13.JPG"We Were Young...And Soldiers"98 viewsWell, this is the "We Were Young" part; two redlegs do a little horseplay in a mud puddle.

GDB-23.JPGREAL Food!98 viewsCowboy Danny Fort has written under the picture, "Would you believe? It's REAL food!"

AS-24.JPGThassa Me!98 viewsStanding next to my gun.
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