The Mighty Ninth

Strive To Reach The Summit

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MK291.jpgAttack on The Oasis219 viewsAssortment of satchel charges and a Bangalore torpedo next to a pool of NVA Sappers blood.
DFort6a.jpg3 Buds (Actually, Falstaff)219 viewsL to R: Jim ___ (from North Carolina), Burrows, and Danny Fort. Note that a "church key" was used to open the beer...long before the days of "pop tops".
2010-Pitts27.JPGGoodbye!219 viewsFO Lt Don Kieth has told all of his "war stories" (again). He and wife Barb departing from the lobby of the Radisson.
DSC_0024.jpgCacti Saturday Night Banquet218 viewsSmiles all around.

Photo courtesy of Steve Rainbolt.
DSC_0023.jpg218 viewsPhoto courtesy of Steve Rainbolt.
SG-9.JPGSteve & Caesar - FDC guys218 viewsMe and George "Caesar" Skulzachek, FDC mates. Kept searching for George after Vietnam without success. Finally learned that he passed away.
Captured_Mortar.jpgEnemy mortar217 viewsCaptured enemy mortar
WD3.jpgThe Mighty Ninth in action217 viewsBattle of 13 June 69: 2/9th artillery attacks NVA bunker complex.
DJ-14.jpgThe Grunts217 viewsLt TJ Blue (1/35), Maj (Unknown) who was the FAC (Forward Air Controller), and CPT Art Panze, Engineer Co Commander.
DFort7a.jpgFreddie FADAC217 viewsSp5 Danny Fort pushes the buttons on the Field Artillery Automatic Digital Computer (FADAC). See Danny's War Story entitled "Don't Hurt My Freddy". Somehow, Danny figured out a way to make the thing work and was very protective.
Geter.jpgThe Final Days at Tam Ky216 views(UNK Cannoneer), Sgt Artie Geter (at right) - Section Chief for the base piece, A/2/9, October, 1967. Sgt Geter was an expert artilleryman...on time and on target!

It was time to say goodbye to my best Section Chief.
DM10.jpgHi, Mom!216 viewsLt Dennis Munden. A "modern-day" photo can be found at the end of this file.
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