
SwedeVisit.JPGMajGen Swede Larsen98 viewsMajor General Swede Larsen presents Lt Ed Thomas with the Bronze Star award with "V" device.

Tu_Lin.jpgThe Innocents of warfare98 viewsTu Lin, a beautiful Vietnamese boy, was orphaned when his parents were killed in an attack. Tu Lin was "adopted" for 30 days by the men of the battery before being presented to an orphanage. Here, Tu Lin salutes his "Army Buddies".

GDS-9.JPGField office98 viewsMy home in the field.

GDS-160.JPGQui Nhon98 viewsTwo boys atop the roof of a hotel in Qui Nhon.

GDS-189.JPGTaking the bus98 viewsLocals crammed in these small Lambrettas; served as their bus.

GDS-193.JPGBong Son98 viewsStore in Bong Son. LZ English was nearby.

GDS-217.JPGThe FO Team98 viewsFO Team for "B", 1/14th: Chief, UNK, me & Groninger.

GDS-245.JPGPrisoners98 viewsSuspected VC captured.

GDS-110b.JPGPrisoner98 viewsNVA prisoner held at LZ 510B.

WS-152.JPGAmmo Depot98 viewsAmmo Depot near 62nd Maintenance

WS-186.JPGThe End98 viewsWalt and Richards awaiting transfer to Camp Radcliff.

WS-219.JPGThe Mighty Workhorse98 viewsThe Sikorsky Sky Crane could just about lift anything you had around.
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