
mc-12.JPGInterior View99 viewsYep...we done built a great mess hall.

PG-28.jpgThe Waldman Collection - Presenting Gifts99 viewsHost Jerry Orr presents a "challenge coin" to Dave Price.

JD-1.JPG99 views

JD-7.JPG99 views

FO_Party.JPGFO Party99 viewsFast Forward to 2014: We now know it is PFC Mike Pskowski in the middle, serving as the RTO with Lt Joe Hannigan, FO and Sgt Rick Ericksen, Recon Sgt. Unfortunately, Mike died in a car accident in 1973.

Clint_Curry,_Hooking_Up.JPGHooking up the CH-4799 viewsExciting task. Who wants to do it? Well, here's Sp5 Clint Curry volunteering to get under the mechanical beast. My notes indicate Clint was hooking up the howitzer for a hip shoot on LZ Cathy as it lifted off in Sept, 1969. The Advance Party discovered the proposed LZ wasn't ready and they used up all our C-4 cooking supplies to blow down trees. I still remember the lousy smell of those heat tabs....ugh.

VaB-1.JPGWelcome to Virginia Beach!99 viewsHah! Joke's on you. This is the "old" Cavalier with its very impressive architectural front and manicured name in "bold bush" font, but it was closed. Gotta go across the street to the "real" location.

Mullins-1.JPGFather - Daughter attend 35th Reunion99 viewsRedleg John "Moon" Mullins with his lovely daughter Rachel. John lives in the Chicago area.

AK-6.JPGAircraft at An Khe runway99 viewsCobra with 3-man crew.

StG-19.JPGMemories of LZ St George99 viewsThe Cobra, blades spinning, ready for action.

Robert_Biza.jpgBarracks conference99 viewsThe one on the bed is "B" Battery Clerk Robert P. Biza. The others all around him is a big question. I asked Jim Kaller, he was a clerk too, but he could only ID Robert. The other guys seated around him could be from "B" Battery also or perhaps some of the drivers. I remember Robert though; I slept in the same hooch with him. Anyone recognize the others?

LZ_Liz_FDC_before_blast_wall_erected.jpgLZ Liz99 viewsAlmost finished...need blast wall.
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