
Banquet-1.JPGSeating Chart99 viewsStanding in front of the Banquet seating chart: Jerry Orr, John Mullins, Mike Kurtgis, Steve Sykora and Dennis Dauphin. As usual, the seating was organized chaos.

JC-2.JPGCrowe99 viewsRonnie D. Crowe of Shawnee Mission, KS. He shares his bunk.

10th_Cav.JPG10th Cav airships99 viewsJanuary, 1969. I think all this stuff belongs to the 10th Cav.

apr_69_wpns.JPGApril, 1969: Four Deuce mortar99 viewsApril, 1969. 4.2 (four-deuce) mortar. Packs the same punch as a 105mm round.

helo_lift.JPGFebruary, 196999 viewsYour airlift has arrived.

Jesse_White.JPGMy friend in Commo99 viewsJesse White is from Tennessee.

Lea2_Mail.JPGMail Call99 viewsMost important moment of the day. My friend Eugene Lea checks his mail.

Jesse_White_monkey.JPGMy friend in Commo99 viewsJesse White is monkeying around.

mar_me_mortar.JPGMarch, 196999 viewsWhat? Me Worry? This photo taken between the rocket and mortar rounds landing.

south_from_ben.JPGBen Het99 viewsLooking south from Ben Het.

Rick_at_9.jpgWounded99 viewsA man is down; we are getting him ready for evacuation.

JS-3.JPG99 viewsSergeant Joe Sleevi....building a FO party bunker on St George.
I'd like to say that this picture was taken a few years ago. (ha!)
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