
GDS-144.JPG"Shine my boots?? Are you kidding?"100 viewsLtCol Holbrook wanted his officers to "look sharp" for the change of battery commanders in the next photo. Probably the last time you'll see shined boots on my feet in Nam.

GDS-110c.JPGPrisoner100 viewsNVA prisoner held at LZ 510B.

WS-75.JPG"I Got Mine!"100 viewsAdmiring those all-important "three stripes", the buck sergeant E-5.

WS-86.JPGTaking a Survey100 viewsArtillery survey...not for the math-challenged. UNK and Sp5 Wayne Jones.

WS-127.JPGFriends100 viewsJerry "Jinx" Genson and Dennis Couch

WS-131.JPGGood ol' Sam100 viewsSp4 Sam Bailey

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DK-Pers2.jpgMen of B-1-35100 viewsHe's holding an M-79 grenade launcher. A very effective weapon, even for "close-in" fighting.

DK-Pers5.jpg100 viewsNote the stateside green fatigues. Jungle fatigues were not immediately available for the troops sent over in early 1966.

DK-Pers15.jpg100 viewsLt Keith stands in front of a burning hooch. Many hooches in Nam met their fate at the hands of a torch.

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