The Mighty Ninth

Strive To Reach The Summit

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BL-11.JPGThe Saturday Night Banquet101 viewsBanquet photos courtesy of Lt Bert Landau, FO, 2/9th Arty.
JCook80.JPGJeep Driver101 viewsJeep Driver for the Battery Commander leading the convoy.
JCook100.JPGCaptured rice carriers101 viewsJoe notes that the 13-yr-old boy in the left is trying to loosen his bonds.
DY-26.JPGThen and Now101 viewsMarch, 2012. A fantastic "direct match" photo comparison after 45 years. This was on the beach at Duc Pho. The beach is not as wide as it used to be, and our guide told us that it has eroded a lot. {If you go back to the photo marked "DY-11", you will see Danny's original submission.}
DY-29.jpgThen and Now101 viewsI was able to find this school in Phu Cat. Hwy 1 runs through Phu Cat,
north of Qui Nhon, on the way up to Duc Pho, as you probably remember.
DY-32a.JPGThen & Now: the search for Base Camp101 viewsNext, I found this older map online showing the location of Engineer Hill.
That was pretty much where I expected it to be.
{See also: War Stories - Base Camp}
Banquet-11.JPGTable Talk101 viewsLorraine Knight, guest of Mike Kurtgis, sits with her neice at the Banquet.
JM-6.JPGLabreck101 viewsJeff Labreck, Olympia, WA. Everyone stops by to see his photo collection.
hsb_clean.JPGApril, 1969101 viewsPhoto taken at 2/9th Headquarters Service Battery at Camp Enari. Cleaning up and heading to the Forward HQ at LZ Oasis.
JesseWhite_swtc.JPGPFC Jesse L. White - My friend in Commo101 viewsJesse White is a switchboard operator.
Long_House.JPGLeaving Ben Het101 viewsMarch, 1969. Heading to Oasis from Ben Het.
Looking_Around.JPGJanuary, 1969101 viewsLooking around the LZ.
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