
Buddha-2.JPG101 views

020.jpg101 views

Atk-7.JPGAttack in progress101 viewsSmoke billows around position perimeter

CR_Bay.jpgSights & Scenes101 viewsSign says: "Welcome to Cam Rahn Bay, 14th Aerial Port Sqdn, Passenger Terminal"

2008Reunion-17.jpgWell, they were patient!101 viewsWaiting in the hot sun gets old quickly as the ladies of the 35th Inf Regt Assn wait for the photo to be taken.

WS-69.JPGFriends101 viewsSp4 Dennis Couch and long-tailed friend.

WS-109.JPGThe Big Turnover101 viewsAs part of the "Vietnamese-ation" plan, LZ Oasis was turned over to the ARVNs while the troops moved to Camp Enari.

WS-142.JPGThe Universal Lesson101 views"Don't pop the clutch" or you'll be walking.

WS-217.JPGRe-assigned101 viewsGriffith Crooks re-assigned to the 6/29th Arty.

DK-Pers22.jpg101 viewsUNK stands with FO Lt Dave Whaley.

VCseries010.JPG101 viewsCapt Ed Nealon, B/1/35, directs the action in a firefight.

DK-Pers1c.JPG101 views1Sgt Tewwis and UNK relaxing "at home"
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