
Slide36.jpgInside the CONEX224 viewsCheck this FDC out! Lotsa cool memories. Note the RDP fan at top left, a good look at the FADAC (center), a can of RISE shaving cream on the shelf, a standard GI flashlight clipped to the wall at right and a guy wondering (Dietrich) why you want to take his picture. That's Geary Burrows in the background.

DJ-11.jpgWhere are we? A map exercise.223 views"Matches? I thought you had the matches!"
Maj Gerrold Tippen (S-3, 1/35)), CPT Lloyd Yoshina (A/1/35), Maj Moore (BnCo, 1/35).

Hi-way_19.JPG223 views

Inside_CH-47.JPG223 views

Slide09.jpgScenic Firebase223 viewsTake the high ground! It provides for a defensible base and a great view. Anyone know the cannoncockers here?

Danny_and_Geary.jpgAnother Buddy Found!223 viewsDanny links up with another 2/9th Redleg. Geary Burrows (right) was in the "B" Battery FDC in the 1967-68 era. Geary was wounded in the Spring/Summer of 68 and sent home.

Highway_19.jpgThe infamous Highway 19222 viewsThe infamous Hwy 19 going thru the Mang Yang Pass. The road ran from An Khe to Qui Nhon. Most everyone has a "war story" concerning event(s) on Hwy 19.

Anti-personnel_Rd.jpgThe Beehive Round222 viewsA beehive round is loaded for firing. The tube is levelled and fuse set for immediate burst in case of a "human wave" attack on a firebase.

WD2.jpgThe Mighty Ninth in action222 viewsBattle of 13 June 69: 2/9th artillery attacks NVA bunker complex.

JimJames-Curr.jpgThen & Now222 viewsYeah, that skinny little feller with the dark hair on the far left was me....a long time ago!

DFort-TStuber.jpgSurprise Visitor222 viewsTerry Stuber links up with Nam buddy Danny Fort {2009}

red3-2010.jpgTable Shot222 viewsSeated at Table 24: Jackie Dauphin, Barb Keith, and Lorraine Knight. Standing are Dennis Dauphin, Greg Malnar, Lisa Kurtgis, Byron Kurtgis, and Mike Kurtgis. Photo courtesy of Steve Rainbolt.
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