
Price_Reunion_11.jpgReunion Photos - Dave Price103 viewsThe reunion agenda included an invitation to a retirement ceremony on the Old Post grounds...a great historic site at Ft. Sill. The horse-drawn caisson passes in review.

MH-86a.jpgAlso ready103 viewsCannoneer ready to move out with his Section.

JS-4.JPGWorking at LZ St George103 views1st Sergeant James E. McPeek unloading for St George, standing in bed of truck. Facing camera, "Bullet Bob" Burnett, and Clint Curry.

Table.JPGRedleg Table #17103 viewsSaturday night banquet table...the big event.

Mullins-2.JPGThe Mighty Ninth Redlegs - Guests of the 35th103 viewsL to R: Ed Thomas, Mike Kurtgis, Don Keith, John "Moon" Mullins, Ed Moor, Greg Malnar, Ed Tucker, Lee Okerstrom, Robert Wilson, ***, Dennis Dauphin. Photo Courtesy of John "Moon" Mullins. Missing are: Jim Connolly and Joe Henderson.

Dollies-8.JPGNeeds help?103 viewsDoes this Donut Dolly need help putting on her shoes? Any volunteers?

RRs-2.JPGCombat Survival103 viewsPage 2 of the Standing Orders, Rogers Rangers.
Sounds like good common sense for surviving in a combat zone.

StG-18.JPGMemories of LZ St George103 viewsOur workhorse, the CH-47 Chinook.

Pleiku_Beer_Joint.JPGPleiku series103 viewsBeer Joint in Pleiku. The bar is named "Play Boys". The American popularity of Playboy magazine spread around the world obviously.

JFO-13.JPGFred & Another Friend103 views looks like a two-man Board of Inquiry!
This time my brass is an even better sniper target! Perhaps it's time to get some camouflaged brass.

JFO-55.JPGTemperature changes103 viewsIn the Central Highlands, the nights got pretty darn cool!

JFO-54.JPGCapt Carter103 viewsThe guy holding the Chi-com machine gun is Capt Carter, who was the Company Commander of A/1/14. He was wounded a few days after this photo, and I think sent back to the States.
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