The Mighty Ninth

Strive To Reach The Summit

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Pleiku_Beer_Joint.JPGPleiku series103 viewsBeer Joint in Pleiku. The bar is named "Play Boys". The American popularity of Playboy magazine spread around the world obviously.
JFO-13.JPGFred & Another Friend103 views looks like a two-man Board of Inquiry!

This time my brass is an even better sniper target! Perhaps it's time to get some camouflaged brass.
JFO-29.JPGDefensive perimeter103 viewsA .50 caliber was usually a major distraction for the enemy to enter our perimeter.
JFO-40.JPGField Chaplains103 viewsChaplains ventured into the boonies to hold services.
JFO-55.JPGTemperature changes103 viewsIn the Central Highlands, the nights got pretty darn cool!
JFO-65.JPGWhere the fun begins...103 viewsA slick arrives and the action starts. Call it "Hueys" & "Humping".
Arty_Hat.jpgStill Running!103 viewsWell, Don gave up his #1 spot on the victory stand in this annual event. At least the winner wasn't decked out infantry blue. BUT...check out that Artillery ten-gallon hat on Don's head! Wow!

Guess the #3 guy didn't finish at all...or was "finished" and carried off for last rites.
GDB-19.JPGFDC Conex103 viewsBesides being a portable Fire Direction Center, it made a great storage & moving device. Time to unload and organize.
FP-8.jpgThursday Firepower Demonstration103 viewsThe Artillery Rocket fired to its ridge line target at amazing speed.

Photo courtesy of Doug Turner
LK-7b.jpgGranary103 viewsThis is a Montagnard granary.
LK-17.jpgMingling with the locals103 viewsLarry will take the local beer over not having a beer at all.
RW-5~0.JPGThursday Firepower Demonstration103 viewsNo more targets like auto-truck-tank bodies anymore; the "targets" were ridge lines.

Photo courtesy of Bob Wilson
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