
TR16.jpgHit & Miss Chart103 views"Doc" Kline visits our FDC CONEX while I explain the map.

TR21.jpgGoodbye103 viewsAF fighters depart station after an airstrike.

TR50.jpgBattery in action103 viewsSiholuettes make for dramatic shots.

TR53.jpg103 views

EMoor12.jpgSun setting103 viewsDuc Pho, Pleiku area, 66-67

EMoor14.jpgUnknown103 viewsDuc Pho, Pleiku area, 66-67

JW-3.JPGFDC at LZ OD103 views105mm cannisters lined the path to the sandbagged CONEX that housed the FDC. The sign in th foreground includes the 4th Inf Div Ivy patch, which indicates the "swap" from the 25th Inf Div had just occurred on 1Aug67.

Tex_2-1.JPGWhat is it?103 viewsTinkerer and observer.

Wald-4.JPGBase Camp - Christmas, 1966103 viewsSitting in the bunker with pal UNK.

SA-6.JPGTRIFECTA!!103 viewsTrifecta - Part I: at left is Sgt John Waldman who served as Lt Don Keith's RTO in 1967. It was John's first visit to a 35th Inf Regt reunion.

BL-11.JPGThe Saturday Night Banquet103 viewsBanquet photos courtesy of Lt Bert Landau, FO, 2/9th Arty.

BL-7.JPGThe Saturday Night Banquet103 viewsBanquet photos courtesy of Lt Bert Landau, FO, 2/9th Arty.
L to R: Pam & Lee Okerstrom, Greg & Katie Malnar. Both gents served in the field with Lt Bert Landau.
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