
WS-79.JPGBoyette103 viewsSp4 Charles Goyette at LZ Oasis.

WS-88.JPG"Smoke 'em if ya got 'em"103 viewsThe smoke break in the field.

WS-138.JPGCamp Enari103 viewsCould use a little landscaping.

WS-157.JPGPass the Ammunition103 viewsMilitary flat-bed loaded with 105mm ammunition.

WS-166.JPGParty Time103 viewsWishing you a Merry 1969 Christmas: Sam Bailey, Jerry Genson, and Walt

B-1-35Chow.JPG103 views

DK-Pers17.jpg103 viewsCapt Doug Johnson points the way. He was a Brigade Arty Liaison Officer. Capt Keith Carlton, "A" Battery commander stands in background.

PepsiKeith.JPG103 views

Turner_5.jpgVillage View103 viewsIt was typical to pass schools, orphanages, and temples during a highway convoy.

Turner_30.jpgMean Machine103 viewsThe CH-47 gunship, probably displayed at LZ Uplift.

Turner_67.jpgLZ Montezuma103 viewsThe 3rd Brigade Special Task Force Headquarters airstrip. The South China Sea lies just behind the hill in the background. Reports are that the US Marines occupied this area first and left a hellacious number of mines on the hill.

Turner_69.jpgLZ OD --- The Beginning103 viewsSpring, 1967. "A" Battery occupies LZ OD along with the HQ, 1/35th Bn. The battery took the end nearest the lagoon which supplied water to the rice paddies controlled by a floodgate.
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