
JFO-23.JPGSpeed Trap?104 viewsYes...speeding tickets were issued in Vietnam.

JFO-40.JPGField Chaplains104 viewsChaplains ventured into the boonies to hold services.

JFO-39.JPGTanks, too104 viewsWe had every sort of war armament present in Vietnam; mostly WWII holdovers.

JFO-56.JPGGrunts in full gear104 views

GDB-6.jpgNo Wonder!!104 viewsNo wonder "B" Battery of the 2/9th had the best FDC! Looka these handsome dudes! From Left: Chris Henry, Me, and Cowboy Danny Fort. You can see how seriously undernourished Danny Fort was back then.

GDB-20.JPGDon't give him a sword!104 viewsAnytime there's trouble, Cowboy Danny Fort is in the middle of it.

JC-11.JPGWriting home104 viewsAnyone know who this might be?

AS-22.JPGCup of Cofee104 viewsOnce I get my morning coffee, I'm ready to go.

Orr_Conference_Rm.jpgA Visit to the Orr Conference Room104 viewsOrganizer Jerry Orr has been honored with a Battalion Conference Room named in his honor.
Here you see a "Now & Then" comparison as Jerry poses next to a very old photo (jus' kiddin')

WmWard-1.JPGFarewell Dinner - Friday Evening @ Hilton Garden Inn104 viewsOur Encore reunion ended with a superb meal at the Hilton Inn in Lawton. Saturday was depart for home day.
John Waldman and Danny Fort in their red arty shirts at right.

Joe_H-11~0.JPGThe ENCORE Reunion: Ft Sill, OK May, 2017104 views

RW-10~0.JPGPATRIOT AIR DEFENSE SYSTEM104 viewsIt may look like two large wooden boxes, but inside are two Patriot missiles each. Not much for looks, but as long as they work....
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