The Mighty Ninth

Strive To Reach The Summit

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ThePass.jpg"The Pass"226 viewsGoing thru the Mang Yang Pass on Highway 19. Looks like the road was designed for ambushes.
DFort1a.jpgBeen fun, goodbye!226 viewsSp5 Danny Fort all dressed up in khakis at Cam Ranh Bay...heading home to the land of the Big PX.
TS-24.jpgThere's War... and then there is war226 viewsThe editor of the newly-renamed "Ivy Leaf" rag of the 4th Inf Division may have wished he gave more thought to this page layout. At top, you have and Infantryman in the jungle, at bottom, you have our cannoneers with "B" Company (s/b Battery), 2/9th, firing a mission, and to the right...TA-DA! An 8,800 sq ft brand new PX has a grand opening...complete with 500 soldiers and a band! Wonder if they sang "Happy Days Are Here Again"?
Dixon50.jpg17th Field Hospital, Saigon226 viewsOne of our NCO's insisted that we shave close enough NOT to scratch the back of his hand or we got assigned EXTRA guard duty! He would actually rub the back of his hand across your face while in morning formation. You had hell to pay if it got scratched! My skin infection got so bad that I ended up in several hospitals, finally arriving at 17th Field Hospital in Saigon. It was a kind of poetic justice from God...
WaterTank.jpg"Mang Yang" (Mang Giang) Pass225 viewsAn abandoned water tank on top of a hill overlooking the infamous Mang Yang pass. An excellent observation point.
Regis.JPGDaily Task225 viewsEach battery was required to register every day.
DFort.jpgModern-day Danny225 viewsDanny still retains the nickname "Cowboy" and has the hat to prove it!
TR83.jpgShower Time225 viewsA very workable field shower - a canvas bag that holds about 5 gallons. It worked. A can of Black Label beer sitting on the sandbags.
CrownePlaza,San_Antonio.jpg2011 Annual 35th Inf Regt "Cacti" Reunion225 viewsMuy Bueno! We had a great time on the Riverwalk! Muy Caliente, also!
MG-5.JPG4th Division Commander MG Donn Pepke225 viewsThe two-star comes to visit. Standing in ranks: PFC Eugene E. Purcell, PFC Mark Gannon, PFC Ronnie A. Goforth, Sgt Howell & MG Pepke. It was Memorial Day, 1969 at Camp Enari.
Inside_CONEX.jpgFDC inside CONEX containers224 viewsBest idea in Nam: using CONEX containers as Fire Direction Centers: airmobile and immediate on-station use of artillery. Red circle on map shows range limits of 105mm howitzers. The chart with the RDP was the firing chart and the chart to the left (not shown) was the "check chart". The binders contained records of each mission.
GregMalnar.jpgThat Big!224 viewsProbably discussing the size of rats in Nam.
PFC Gregory J. Malnar with fellow redleg Sp4 Craig W. Faurot while at LZ Mile High with "A" Battery.
Time frame is late 1967.
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