The Mighty Ninth

Strive To Reach The Summit

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Banquet-19.JPGThe Redlegs support the Grunts!105 viewsBack Row: Ed Thomas, J. William Ward, Terry Stuber, Jim Connolly, John Mullins. Next row: Ernie Kingcade, Dennis Dauphin, Bert Landau, Danny Fort, Lee Okerstrom. Front: Frank Herbick, Jerry Orr, Mike Kurtgis. Not pictured: Bill Kull, Ed Moor, Greg Malnar, Steve Sykora and Joe Henderson.
apr_69_wpns2.JPG4th Inf Div HQ at Oasis105 viewsApril, 1969. Captured enemy weapons on display.
DragonMtn.JPGGuard Bunker at Dragon Mountain105 viewsScenic overlook from Guard Bunker.
Lea_Baird.JPGReady to push?105 viewsPFC Eugene Lea in the foreground; Captain Robert Baird, ADA, in the background. In case the jeep conks out, they gotta push it.
Long_House.JPGLeaving Ben Het105 viewsMarch, 1969. Heading to Oasis from Ben Het.
mar_west_from_ben.JPGBen Het105 viewsMarch, 1969. Looking west from Ben Het.
JO-13.JPGReunion Photos - Jerry Orr105 viewsOff-post chow was part of the program of the historic reunion. David Scott looks up from his menu.
JO-24.JPGReunion Photos - Jerry Orr105 viewsMeanwhile, the ladies opted for a guided tour of the historic Mattie Beal House in downtown Lawton.
MH-79.JPGMonsoon, 1966 - Tea Plantation105 viewsMonsoons were a part of doing business in Vietnam...muddy business.
MH-85.JPGHistorical photo105 viewsThe Vietnam war marked the end of the US Army's "air corps".
mc-9.JPGCarpenter in chief105 viewsSFC Clyde A. Roker turns ammo boxes into building materials. His "regular job" was working in the Battalion TOC. In the rear at left is Jim Castelletti.
PG-25.jpgThe Waldman Collection - Presenting Gifts105 viewsHost Jerry Orr presents "challenge coins" to those attending this historic reunion.
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