The Mighty Ninth

Strive To Reach The Summit

Most viewed
GDS-167.JPGFO - FDO; 2/9th Arty, dated May, 1967105 viewsLt Jim Deloney, Lt Pat Kasperbauer, Lt Gary Dean Springer, and Lt Kermit DeVaughn (dec).
GDS-210.JPGPlaymate105 viewsUNK. A time-honoring combat tradition...checking out the better sights.
2008Reunion-05.jpgLet's Party105 viewsFO Lt Ed Thomas gets a kick out of Don's stories.
"He really believes it!" says Ed.
2008Reunion-10.jpgGood Buddies105 viewsCapt Dave Collins, C-1-35 with his former FO, Lt Bert Landau. They found the shade of a tent while waiting for the photo session.
WS-58.JPGBoot polishing105 viewsIf I want to get out of lovely Ft Sill and their AIT program, these things had better shine!
WS-63.JPGSo this is Pleiku105 viewsRalph Gibson, Larry Howell and Dennis Couch
WS-72.JPGThe salute105 viewsThe familiar one-fingered salute. Sp4 Dennis Couch and "Wild Willie".
WS-104.JPGAftermath105 viewsAldridge Ulrich in the back; Walt & Dennis in front.
WS-111.JPGSludge Duty105 viewsWalt and Ed Greer watch the shitter burn. Best done at a safe distance away.
WS-124.JPGCrooks & Kings?105 viewsGriffith Crooks and KC King pulling Guard Duty.
Firebasexx.jpgBreak from S&D105 viewsSearch & Destroy missions were shared among the Infantry companies with one company taking a break for rest at a 105mm howitzer battery. They were known as the "Palace Guard" since they provided defenses for both their Battalion Command Post and one of the 105mm batteries.
Lt Keith was supported by "A" Battery, 2/9th FA.

Howitzer ammo stacked and ready at LZ OD near Duc Pho.
DK-Pers13.jpg105 viewsLt Don Keith needs more C-rations.
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