
Price_Reunion_9.jpgReunion Photos - Dave Price105 viewsAh....the great memories of the FDC tools in Vietnam. The only thing missing is the CONEX container. Without that, the FDC would be out of commission with the jungle weather environment we faced daily.

JO-13.JPGReunion Photos - Jerry Orr105 viewsOff-post chow was part of the program of the historic reunion. David Scott looks up from his menu.

JO-24.JPGReunion Photos - Jerry Orr105 viewsMeanwhile, the ladies opted for a guided tour of the historic Mattie Beal House in downtown Lawton.

MH-79.JPGMonsoon, 1966 - Tea Plantation105 viewsMonsoons were a part of doing business in Vietnam...muddy business.

MH-85.JPGHistorical photo105 viewsThe Vietnam war marked the end of the US Army's "air corps".

mc-9.JPGCarpenter in chief105 viewsSFC Clyde A. Roker turns ammo boxes into building materials. His "regular job" was working in the Battalion TOC. In the rear at left is Jim Castelletti.

mc-11.JPGInterior View105 viewsNo names, but these two are enjoying the field mess hall.

PG-25.jpgThe Waldman Collection - Presenting Gifts105 viewsHost Jerry Orr presents "challenge coins" to those attending this historic reunion.

DM29.JPGMunden and Fraley105 viewsLt Munden on the left and Captain Wallace Fraley on the right. Photo taken at Bong Son. Capt Fraley was my wife's first cousin's husband.

DM30.JPGMaking contact105 viewsWe made contact at Dragon Crater on 21Nov66. I was calling in the artillery while RTO Robert McGlynn is providing cover.

Break_Time_-_An_Khe.JPGBan Me Thout105 viewsIn foreground is FDC: (Left to right) Tom "Terrific" FNG from Manitou Springs, CO, Carl from Georgia no longer the FNG, Cruit who forever was just that, "George" Jarisch, Bullet Bob (back to camera with glasses), and Bill "Nan the Man" Nankervis(deceased) who could always give the Peanuts character Pigpen a run for his money.

Dollies-4.JPGSigning autographs105 viewsNot sure, but they may be leaving a name and phone number, too.
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