
GDB-21.JPGThe helmet fits106 viewsWell, just barely.

GDB-19.JPGFDC Conex106 viewsBesides being a portable Fire Direction Center, it made a great storage & moving device. Time to unload and organize.

Allin_Hall.jpgArrival106 viewsRedleg Doug Turner makes a point with Bill Henson, the Immediate Past President of the 35th Infantry Regiment Assn. We were honored to have him join us for our Encore Reunion.

LK-7b.jpgGranary106 viewsThis is a Montagnard granary.

RW-1b.JPGGraduation106 viewsHappy Campers all! These young troops have completed their BCT at Ft Sill and are entering the auditorium for their graduation ceremony.

Restaurant2.jpgBranson's Cafe106 viewsJoe Henderson & Company

2018_Reunion_Grp.JPG1/19th FA honors the 2/9th FA106 viewsThe 1/19th FA, Jerry Orr's old unit, commemorated our 2018 visit with a group photo. The highlights of sharing our reunion time with the 1/19th FA included meeting the trainees at the Dining Facilities, observing their marksmanship training skills at the firing range, attending a graduation, and...most of all...serving as a Group Panel to permit a new class of Trainees to ask any questions they wanted from a group experienced combat veterans. The Battalion Commander made all of us "honorary members" of the 1/19th and we are welcome to return at any time.

BB-13.JPGAnd there is always waiting....106 viewsWaiting on a fire mission. Me and Freddy with our backs against the wall. Sergeant Reedy sitting on the trail.

BB-79.JPGAftermath106 views"Big Red" is holding a mortar tail that came through the roof of the bunker. Sandy was WIA at that time.

dk17.JPG105 views"Artillery was my major; my minor was Geology". Lots of hard rocks over here.

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