
Ed-AR15.jpgEd's Arsenal105 viewsThe AR-15

Ed-M79.jpgEd's Arsenal105 viewsThe M-79 grenade launcher

Drug_Store.jpgSights & Scenes105 viewsViet Drug Store

MK137.jpgGas mission105 viewsDropping CS

MK138.jpgFollowed by....105 viewsNext came the arty...."Shot Out"

MK206.jpgThunder from above105 views"Get me in a little lower and a little closer..." Ah, that's close enough.

MK258.jpgFirepower!105 viewsMultiple missions and targets.

GDS-167.JPGFO - FDO; 2/9th Arty, dated May, 1967105 viewsLt Jim Deloney, Lt Pat Kasperbauer, Lt Gary Dean Springer, and Lt Kermit DeVaughn (dec).

GDS-210.JPGPlaymate105 viewsUNK. A time-honoring combat tradition...checking out the better sights.

2008Reunion-10.jpgGood Buddies105 viewsCapt Dave Collins, C-1-35 with his former FO, Lt Bert Landau. They found the shade of a tent while waiting for the photo session.

WS-58.JPGBoot polishing105 viewsIf I want to get out of lovely Ft Sill and their AIT program, these things had better shine!

WS-63.JPGSo this is Pleiku105 viewsRalph Gibson, Larry Howell and Dennis Couch
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