
JW-32.JPG105 views

SA-6.JPGTRIFECTA!!105 viewsTrifecta - Part I: at left is Sgt John Waldman who served as Lt Don Keith's RTO in 1967. It was John's first visit to a 35th Inf Regt reunion.

SA-4.JPGNew and Old105 viewsJohn "Moon" Mullins, left, was a member of Maj Jerry Orr's TOC back in '68. It's Moon's first trip to a 35th Inf Regt reunion.

BL-10.JPGThe Saturday Night Banquet105 viewsBanquet photos courtesy of Lt Bert Landau, FO, 2/9th Arty.

BL-11.JPGThe Saturday Night Banquet105 viewsBanquet photos courtesy of Lt Bert Landau, FO, 2/9th Arty.

J_Orr-22.JPGFriday Night Special at LaMargarita105 viewsA very colorful time at a very colorful restaurant!

J_Orr-30.JPGSaturday Night Banquet105 viewsLen Berkel & Nancy Cowan

David_Mann__2-9th.jpgThe Springer Scrapbook105 views

JCook37.JPGMakeshift Hooch105 viewsWillie's and my hootch. It was built off the front of our truck with a foxhole in front.

JCook79.JPGWater Buffalo105 viewsLet me tell you....this water could get hot!!

JCook90.JPGFresh from the Stattes105 viewsAt left is PFC Norma McLeod, Jr and PFC Gerald L. Yacavone. Took AIT with them at Base Camp. They are listed as members of Hqtrs Battery.

JCook92.JPGStatue105 viewsA Christian shrine near Pleiku.
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