The Mighty Ninth

Strive To Reach The Summit

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SK-60.JPG"On the Way, Over"106 viewsWell...that's what we said until Ft Sill said the radio transmission was too long. It became "Shot, Over!"
SR-4.jpgReunion Photos - Stu Royle106 viewsHavin' a ball! We seem be enjoying our tour stop at the basic training buildings. Terry Stuber is adjusting his camera.
SR-2.jpgReunion Photos - Stu Royle106 viewsWelcome, Jim Beddingfield! We were honored with the presence of Jim Beddingfield, the current President of the 35th Inf Regt Assn, who joined us at our historic reunion at Ft Sill.
JO-13.JPGReunion Photos - Jerry Orr106 viewsOff-post chow was part of the program of the historic reunion. David Scott looks up from his menu.
JO-24a.JPGReunion Photos - Jerry Orr106 viewsLives of the Lawton rich and famous at the Mattie Beal House. Our ladies go on tour. Martha Henderson gets a good look at the interior design.
MH-82.JPGMonsoon, 1966 - Tea Plantation106 viewsA tank retriever was an absolute necessity after the monsoon rains stopped.
MH-84.JPG85mm mortar106 viewsMortar firing exercise. Notice EVERYONE has their fingers in their ears!!
Sandy_Peppers_Kraft,_John_Mullins.JPGOkla Military Hall of Fame106 viewsJohn "Moon" Mullins and Sandy Peppers attend Jerry's induction.
mc-5.JPGSgt Smith and Sgt Stewart106 viewsStanding among the tents of the 2/9th Oasis compound.
DM25.JPGFighting at LZ Lane106 viewsL to R: Lt Revera; RTO; Machine gunner; Platoon Sgt Hatch; Rifleman; FO Lt Dennis Munden.
Clint,_Hurdle_and_Burnett.JPGSp5 Curry, Sp4 Hurdle and Sp5 Burnett106 viewsClint Curry, Jim Hurdle and Sp5 Bob Burnett outside the FDC conex at St. George, June '69. For some reason I have "Gorilla Bob" for Burnett, but we called him "Bullet Bob". He wanted to be a race horse trainer but those of us in contact have no post-Nam info on him. Hurdle was working on his PhD at Michigan and was one dissertation short of a doctorate in economics when the draft caught up with him. He had a stainless steel pot and spices and with a little C4 , found rice and donated c-rats he could make a great meal. I found him again 20+ years ago and he is now Dr. Hurdle. My undergraduate degree was economics and had finished 10 hours of law school when I volunteered for the draft a month before my number was up. Jim was a Samuelson economics guy and I was a Friedman disciple. We would have some great arguments. The XO loved to sit in on our debates, but had no idea what we were talking about.
Break_Time_-_An_Khe.JPGBan Me Thout106 viewsIn foreground is FDC: (Left to right) Tom "Terrific" FNG from Manitou Springs, CO, Carl from Georgia no longer the FNG, Cruit who forever was just that, "George" Jarisch, Bullet Bob (back to camera with glasses), and Bill "Nan the Man" Nankervis(deceased) who could always give the Peanuts character Pigpen a run for his money.
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