
JD-332.JPG107 views

JD-331.JPG107 views

Table.JPGRedleg Table #17107 viewsSaturday night banquet table...the big event.

StG-7.JPGMemories of LZ St George107 viewsA giant Sikorsky Sky Crane carries a load across the position.

StG-6.JPGMemories of LZ St George107 viewsMore captured NVA weapons.

Back_Nine.JPGThe Golf Game107 viewsScenic view taken on the back nine of the Naval Base, site of this year's golf outing in San Diego.

JFO-35.JPGThe old razor107 viewsLook sharp, feel sharp, be sharp. Compliments of Gillette.

JFO-43.JPGDigging in107 viewsFoxholes were routinely dug.

JFO-40.JPGField Chaplains107 viewsChaplains ventured into the boonies to hold services.

JFO-39.JPGTanks, too107 viewsWe had every sort of war armament present in Vietnam; mostly WWII holdovers.

Arty_Hat.jpgStill Running!107 viewsWell, Don gave up his #1 spot on the victory stand in this annual event. At least the winner wasn't decked out infantry blue. BUT...check out that Artillery ten-gallon hat on Don's head! Wow!
Guess the #3 guy didn't finish at all...or was "finished" and carried off for last rites.

GDB-19.JPGFDC Conex107 viewsBesides being a portable Fire Direction Center, it made a great storage & moving device. Time to unload and organize.
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