The Mighty Ninth

Strive To Reach The Summit

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JCook-137.JPGWhere is the drain plug?107 viewsLousy RSOP. We moved into this LZ the night before and it rained. Here's what we were greeted with the next morning. The gun spade of the base piece got stuck in the mud and we couldn't fire. We moved out of here.
JCook-138.JPGWet LZ107 viewsGuess no one looked at the elevation of the LZ or how rainwater was supposed to drain off.
Dave_Collins_Cap.JPGThe Presentation107 viewsMighty Ninth Webmaster & Organizer Dennis Dauphin presents Capt Dave Collins, C-1-35, with a "Mighty Ninth" cap in honor of the many years he has invited the 2/9th to attend his unit party at the annual 35th reunion.
apr_69_wpns2.JPG4th Inf Div HQ at Oasis107 viewsApril, 1969. Captured enemy weapons on display.
Enari_night.JPGRainbow at Enari107 viewsPastel blue sky, complete w/ rainbow.
Feb_69_CC.JPGFebruary, 1969: Change of Command Ceremony107 viewsLZ Oasis, Change of Command ceremony for the 1/69th Armored Regiment.
Lt_pistol.JPGMarch, 1969107 viewsA Lieutenant with the 1/69th Armor (NOT the 2/9th!) clowns around with his pistol. Photo taken while on the move to Kontum.
mar_69_guns.JPGAttack on Ben Het107 viewsMarch, 1969. Ben Het aftermath.
mine_jeep.JPGA mine package107 viewsApril, 1969. Might look like a birthday cake, but you don't want it!
river_at_Dak_To.JPGDak To River107 viewsMarch, 1969. The river at Dak To, heading toward the Oasis.
road_to_Oasis.JPG107 views
Valley_Fire2.JPGJanuary, 1969: Firing across the valley107 views155mm howitzers firing in support of units across the valley.
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