
BL-9a.jpgThe Saturday Night Banquet108 viewsBanquet photos courtesy of Lt Bert Landau, FO, 2/9th Arty.

J_Ward_-_175mm.JPGPre-Vietnam deployment108 viewsBefore Vietnam I was stationed with Staff and Faculty Battery, Gunnery Department at Fort Sill’s OCS as a driver of this 175mm, and other self propelled Artillery (M 108, M 109, 8 inch gun). Loved that job.

J_Orr-30.JPGSaturday Night Banquet108 viewsLen Berkel & Nancy Cowan

1-14th___2-9th.jpgThe Springer Scrapbook108 views

JCook32.JPGAlong Route 14108 viewsI am thinking this picture is early and probably is an "EARLY" attempt at building fox holes. We never had any training in Hawaii on foxhole digging. But we had to dig the BC's hole and the XO's in Hawaii. Lack of training shows here - I think we put it up for show and not survival. Again this early in Nam and might even be among the FIRST hole ever dug.

JCook51.JPGBomb crater108 viewsAccording to the cardboard mount, it indicates a bomb crater filled with water. I think it was a 500-lb bomb.

JCook53.JPGBreaking camp108 viewsAs per the cardboard mount, this photo indicates that B/2/9 is breaking camp with the 105mm ammo in "A-22" slings. This is the time when the FDC was located in a 3/4-ton truck.

JCook72.JPGChu Pung Mountains108 viewsThe Chu Pung Mountains. You can see the rain in the distance.

JCook71.JPGChow Line108 viewsThe evening meal was almost always "A" Rations.

JC-5.JPGBeer Break108 viewsDickie Damm, Buffalo, NY; Charles Skidmore, Glenn Bruney.

69_Armor_at_Oasis.JPGFebruary, 1969: LZ Oasis - the 1/69th Armored Regiment area108 viewsFebruary, 1969. A shot of the Oasis, area of the 1/69th Armored.

April_69_Guard_post.JPGApril, 1969: 4th Inf Div HQ Guard Post108 viewsApril, 1969. Heavily sandbagged guard post.
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