
Turner_25.jpgHow do?108 viewsGeorge Justice posing with a spunky little village girl.

Turner_30.jpgMean Machine108 viewsThe CH-47 gunship, probably displayed at LZ Uplift.

Turner_125.jpgFresh Paint?108 viewsJoe sits on some freshly completed signery. Note the cans of yellow and red paint on the ground behind him.

TR44.jpgAir Strike108 viewsAftermath of a heavy airstrike.

TR55.jpgHuman truck108 viewsFaint outline shows a villager making a haul...on his back.

TR65.jpgMakin' Groceries108 viewsA gun bunny combines the projo with the shell.

MTL-7.jpg108 viewsYes! It was cooler working without a shirt and getting lots of sun for a nice dark tan. Thank you, Vietnam!

2010-Pitts19.JPGNot a shy guy108 views35th Inf Regt Assn's distinguished Secretary Bill Henson stares right into the lens.

Tex_3-3.JPGThe M-102108 viewsNo trails, lower profile, turns on a dime.

JW-38.jpg108 views

SA-6.JPGTRIFECTA!!108 viewsTrifecta - Part I: at left is Sgt John Waldman who served as Lt Don Keith's RTO in 1967. It was John's first visit to a 35th Inf Regt reunion.

SA-4.JPGNew and Old108 viewsJohn "Moon" Mullins, left, was a member of Maj Jerry Orr's TOC back in '68. It's Moon's first trip to a 35th Inf Regt reunion.
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