
DY-1966.JPGHere's where it all started - Cannoncocker School110 viewsStanding in front of these old wooden barracks at Ft Sill, which are no longer there, was the start of a major adventure...a tour in Nam. Little did I know.

Enroute2.JPGJanuary, 1969110 viewsPhoto taken on my way to a firebase in the Central Highlands of Vietnam. They had a reason for calling it "the highlands".

Feb_69_track_resupply.JPGFebruary, 1969110 viewsIt's time to re-supply the track.

Feb_69_CofC.JPGFebruary, 1969: Change of Command Ceremony110 viewsThe Change of Command ceremony taking place at the 1/69th Armor.

Lea_1268.JPGPFC Eugene E. Lea110 viewsDecember, 1968. My friend Eugene Lea.

Mar_69_rockets.JPGAttack on Ben Het110 viewsMarch, 1969. Rockets hit Ben Het.

Tents.JPGHome Sweet Home110 viewsDecember, 1968. These were the tents we lived in.

top_of_50_cal.JPGFebruary, 1969110 viewsTopside view of the .50 cal machine gun in the Guard Bunker.

West_Point.JPGCommo Officer departs110 viewsThe Commo Officer for the 2/9th Arty was a West Pointer who was returning home.

SC17-_69Armor.JPGTire blowout?110 viewsJanuary, 1969. This tank rolled over a mine; blew a wheel and the track.

SC8-_69Armor~0.JPGInside the 1/69th shop110 viewsDecember, 1968. 1/69th Armor HQ; officers at work

Price_Reunion_5.jpgReunion Photos - Dave Price110 views"Old Vets" on tour: Charles Skidmore, Dave Price, Wayne Crochet, John "Moon" Mullins, and Lee Dixon.
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