
Mar_69_rockets.JPGAttack on Ben Het110 viewsMarch, 1969. Rockets hit Ben Het.

Tents.JPGHome Sweet Home110 viewsDecember, 1968. These were the tents we lived in.

top_of_50_cal.JPGFebruary, 1969110 viewsTopside view of the .50 cal machine gun in the Guard Bunker.

West_Point.JPGCommo Officer departs110 viewsThe Commo Officer for the 2/9th Arty was a West Pointer who was returning home.

SC17-_69Armor.JPGTire blowout?110 viewsJanuary, 1969. This tank rolled over a mine; blew a wheel and the track.

SC8-_69Armor~0.JPGInside the 1/69th shop110 viewsDecember, 1968. 1/69th Armor HQ; officers at work

Price_Reunion_5.jpgReunion Photos - Dave Price110 views"Old Vets" on tour: Charles Skidmore, Dave Price, Wayne Crochet, John "Moon" Mullins, and Lee Dixon.

Price_Reunion_6.jpgReunion Photos - Dave Price110 viewsToday's FDC? Not quite! All the computer laptops were behind these men out of sight. The old firing chart with RDP and square are on display...probably just for our benefit to remind us of our time in service.

SR-1.jpgReunion Photos - Stu Royle110 viewsFirst Stop: Britz Hall, home of the basic trainees. The old war vets mingle with the new breed of drill sergeants.

SR-5.jpgReunion Photos - Stu Royle110 viewsRay Hobbs listens as DS Schmidt makes her point.

SR-12.jpgReunion Photos - Stu Royle110 viewsStack Arms! Yes...they still stack arms in the field.

JS-2.JPGHere I Am!110 viewsSergeant Joseph Sleevi...St George mid 1969..Assigned to Bravo
Company, 1st 14th from March 1969 to November 1969. I started my tour with A 2/9th in December 1968 on LZ Bridget. The BC at the time Capt Williams asked all the guys with a Commo MOS if they wanted to go out in the field...I volunteered and I think Sgt Winnow did near the same time. I spent a lot of time in the FDC those first few months...It was such an education for me, and Bridget was a slow FireBase....My first FO was Lt Atha, and to be sure, he taught me a lot.
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