
MK212.jpgDay & Night110 viewsFiring days and nights.

MK217.jpgSet Up110 viewsThe "Loach" scout serving as bait with the Cobra gunship high above waiting to drop some "shit" on the dinks.

MK228.jpgFire Mission110 viewsMy turn to respond to Charlie.

MK256.jpgDeparture110 viewsMy "Loach" leaving The Oasis after a day's mission.

MK273.jpgGetting "short"110 viewsIt is now "sixty days and a wake-up". Everyone in Vietnam knew the exact date of their DEROS.

MK276.jpgPromotion110 viewsThis calls for a celebration. I even share my Scotch Whiskey with Ray. (Whatta guy!)

MK266.jpgRecovery mission110 viewsGoing on a recovery mission with some combat engineers.

GDS-63.JPGFire!110 viewsThe howitzer is fired. Note the trails "dug in" to contain recoil. Cannonerr in rear of the trails prepares another round for firing.

GDS-171.JPGQui Nhon110 viewsThe Ao Dai --- typical garment worn by the upper classes of Vietnamese.

GDS-191.JPGLZ Liz110 viewsShot of LZ Liz after a mortar attack.

GDS-194.JPGBooby trap bomb110 viewsA jeep hit a 500lb bomb at LZ Montezuma. Not much left.

GDS-244a.JPGPrisoner110 viewsVC prisoner with weapons.
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