
SK-52.JPGFire Mission!111 viewsThis...we know all too well, don't we?

SK-50.JPGPeace, Brother111 viewsA pensive Jeff LaBreck sits in front of his "peace" flag. It went by other names, too.

SR-3.jpgReunion Photos - Stu Royle111 viewsStu Royle in front, Steve Cox and Dennis Dauphin behind him.

SR-12.jpgReunion Photos - Stu Royle111 viewsStack Arms! Yes...they still stack arms in the field.

JO-2.JPGReunion Photos - Jerry Orr111 viewsMy Good Buddy! Maj Jerry Orr greets 1SG Doucette as we tour the BCT barracks; actually, it's more like a dormitory.

JO-5.JPGReunion Photos - Jerry Orr111 viewsDS Dudley responds, "That's it, Kurtgis! Your butt goes in this bunk here and I'm gonna be keeping my eye on you!"

JO-23.JPGReunion Photos - Jerry Orr111 viewsOne of the benefits of being retired and ex-soldiers is that you can stand in the shade of the trees and avoid the Ft Sill heat wave.

JS-2.JPGHere I Am!111 viewsSergeant Joseph Sleevi...St George mid 1969..Assigned to Bravo
Company, 1st 14th from March 1969 to November 1969. I started my tour with A 2/9th in December 1968 on LZ Bridget. The BC at the time Capt Williams asked all the guys with a Commo MOS if they wanted to go out in the field...I volunteered and I think Sgt Winnow did near the same time. I spent a lot of time in the FDC those first few months...It was such an education for me, and Bridget was a slow FireBase....My first FO was Lt Atha, and to be sure, he taught me a lot.

mc-8.JPGBattalion Staff111 viewsLeft - LtCol Redmond Forrester, Battalion Commander; Right - Major Jerry Orr, Tactical Operations Center (TOC).

MB-9.jpgThe Waldman Collection - Mattie Beal House Tour111 views"What? There's still a mortgage on this place?"

Arr-4.jpgThe Waldman Collection - We Arrive111 viewsArriving for the historic reunion at Ft Sill, OK.

JD-336.JPG111 views
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