
Les_Cotten.jpgRecon Sergeant111 viewsLeslie (Les) Cotten. Les was Lt Eric (Rick) Shinseki's recon sgt. He was in B Btry and transferred to HQ Btry and was wounded in early 66. He is presently the Sherriff of Navaro County Texas.
Lt Rick Shinseki (FO) went on to be a 4-star general, Chief of Staff, and the VA Secretary before resigning that post.

James_Hall.jpgIn Memory of James Hall111 viewsPFC James A. Hall, KIA. PFC Hall is listed in the "TAPS" section of the website.

2010-Pitts17.JPGBanquet Time111 viewsLeft to Right: Diane Kammerer, Bert Landau, Lou Ann Frost, and Ed Moor.

2010-Pitts22.JPGLovely Couple111 viewsDickie Dickerson and wife Linda.

2010-Pitts23.JPG????111 views"Take a hike, Bert. She's mine."

Rick_E_5-3.JPG111 views

BL-13.JPGThe Saturday Night Banquet111 viewsBanquet photos courtesy of Lt Bert Landau, FO, 2/9th Arty.

J_Orr-28.JPG35th Reunion - 2011111 views"A" Battery FDC expert Greg Malnar and wife Katie enjoy the reunion finale, the Saturday night Banquet.

JCook39.JPGFeb 1966111 viewsJoe notes: "Protecting Route 19 - Field Problem". Yep, fer shure. And Hwy 19 remained a "field problem years later, too.

JCook54.jpgMore Info111 viewsThat's me loading the breech. Nash is the Gunner and PFC Larry L. Dodd is the Asst Gunner.

JCook53.JPGBreaking camp111 viewsAs per the cardboard mount, this photo indicates that B/2/9 is breaking camp with the 105mm ammo in "A-22" slings. This is the time when the FDC was located in a 3/4-ton truck.

JCook55.JPGSetting Up in a new LZ111 viewsI'm a member of the Advance Party, pulling the firing chart out of its canvas carrying bag as we begin life in yet another LZ.
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