
MK13.jpgLt Roger Fulkerson (KIA)246 viewsMy good friend, Roger Fulkerson (R), FO for C-2-35. Killed in action at Duc Lap, 25 Sept 1968.

ARVN_Comp.JPG245 viewsThe site of an important radio relay station manned by the ARVNs. It is directly in line with the ARVN compound on a higher peak.

SprayJob.JPGAgent Orange?244 viewsNo notes on slide, but this may be an helicopter outfitted with sprayers to lay down a defoliant.

TS-D6.JPGGoing to the Dogs: Mascots of Bravo Battery244 viewsLooks like Mocha get tagged for Guard Detail again. Photo taken at LZ Ranger, Ban-Me-Thuot.

FreedomJet.jpg"The Freedom Bird"243 viewsProbably the greatest sight to be seen when you complete a tour in the boonies of Vietnam.

Panorama-DucPho.JPG3rd Brigade, 25th -LZ Montezuma, FSB Bronco243 viewsProbably the best all-inclusive aerial shot. Shows the airstrip, the easily spotted hill next to the base, and the blue South China Sea over the hill. The US Marines originally occupied Duc Pho and were re-assigned further north toward the DMZ. The 2/9th got the assignment in the Spring of 1967 to replace them. The 3rd Bde Commander re-named the base "FSB Bronco", replacing the Marine's choice. Troops were warned not to climb the hills due to booby traps and mines.

TS-12.jpgThe Fickle Finger of Fate243 viewsRick Algren has a unique backscratcher. Or, perhaps he was in charge of assigning details. Actually, it's his "Short Timer's" stick. Photo taken on a convoy to the Chu Pa mountains, Spring, 1969.
Rick was an RTO before coming into the TOC.

Ed_Thomas_home.jpgGoing home in style243 viewsEd Thomas is ready to mount his "Harley Hog" and head back to Kansas after another great reunion. Have a safe journey, Ed!

JW-4.JPGPhoto Courtesy of John Waldman243 viewsTalk about a reunion! Sgt John Waldman, seated left, served with Lt Don Keith as his RTO in the field and Lt Dennis Dauphin (standing) in the FDC during his tour with the 2/9th Arty in 1967. You might say that John had "double trouble"!

3rdBde.jpgBrigade Headquarters242 viewsLanding strip and tarmac at 3rd Bde HQ, 25th Inf Div, LZ Montezuma, Duc Pho, Spring, 1967.

DM24.jpgVietnamese Marine Brigade242 viewsThis is a picture of the Commanding Officer and his staff of a Vietnamese Marine Brigade plus the American Marine advisors. They were working in the 3rd Brigade, 25th Infantry’s AO for about a month and I was the 2/9th liaison officer with them. My job was to keep our batteries advised of where they were operating and to coordinate any fire support they needed.

WD1.JPGThe Mighty Ninth in action242 viewsArtillery prep prior to assault on the Chu Pa, March, 1969
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