
AK-12.JPGAircraft at An Khe runway117 viewsSappers got this one real good.

AK-20.JPGON THE WAY, OVER!117 viewsBest picture ever taken...a stewardess pours coffee on the plane that was headed for the U.S.

JFO-3.JPGMemories of Nam117 viewsFred sits atop a typical fully-sandbagged bunker with some beautiful scenery in the background. The all-too-familiar water tank is in the background. Proper nomenclature is the M-149 Water Buffalo. The handy-dandy shower stall is next to it. This firebase looks like a war-time vacation spot.

JFO-67.JPGSpider hole117 viewsA couple of 1/14th grunts spot a spider hole, a deadly ambush position used effectively by the enemy.

Lt_John_Hartley_Jr.jpgTryin' to keep up with Crochet117 viewsLt John Hartley, Jr is sent out to replace FO Lt Wayne Crochet. Wayne went back to "C" Battery while John took his place as the FO for B/2/35 in the Duc Pho area in 1967. Lt Hartley later became a LNO with 2/35th TOC shop.
Photo courtesy of Cliff "Westy" Westwood, B/2/35

RW-2~0.JPGFire Drill: roof of Allin Hall117 viewsAs we gathered for our first morning activity, the Ft Sill Fire Department gave us a daring sight. A ladder was extended from the fire truck below to the very top of Allin Hall, our Quarters. Then, some brave soul climbed that ladder and got a great view of the Fort and surrounding areas.

Jenny_Young_-2016.JPGModern Day Donut Dolly Jenny Young117 viewsJenny graced us with her presence at the 2016 Reunion of the 35th Inf Regt Assn in Washington, DC and gave a stirring tribute at the Saturday night banquet.

Shields85.jpgBuddies117 viewsNote sign lists all the mascots in the Battery.
UNK and PFC Walt Shields

GDSpringer.jpgAll Smiles116 viewsLt Gary "Dean" Springer served in many capacities, including FO, Bn Ammo Officer, and Battery CO of "D" Battery during temp operations.

Buddhist_Rest.jpgSights & Scenes116 viewsBuddhist Rest stop (Chapel)

MK-92.jpgPreparing for takeoff116 viewsL-19 takes off from LZ Oasis.

MK159.jpgGoing on station116 views"Victor 76" (aka "White Knight") flying with the Cider FACs. Less "check fire" because "fast movers" were coming into the AO.
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