
MK255.jpgWeapons Museum117 viewsRussian Gunner's Quadrant...my personal favorite.

MK278.jpgGetting "short"117 viewsAnother "short timer": Lt John Cashin, "45 days and a wake-up". Your "wake-up" call was the day you left.

MK282.jpgHooch117 viewsMy hooch next to the Battalion TOC.

GDS-57.JPG"It Went Somewhere"117 viewsUNK, Lt Kermit DeVaughn, FDO, "A" Btry, UNK (Ortiz?). The "boys" in the FDC look a little puzzled.
Lt DeVaughn (center) was the man who conceived the idea of a 2-CONEX container FDC, totally transportable by air and ready for immediate firing operations. Virtually all firing units adopted the idea.

Re08-1h.JPGtop117 viewsA better look at the home of the St. Louis Cardinals.

WS-141.JPGActing Non-Com117 viewsWalt takes over from Jerry as the Acting Non-Com

WS-204.JPGState Loyalty117 viewsWalt & Jack pose with California state flag in front of battle tank.

DK-Pers37.jpg117 viewsGroup on patrol needed an FO...so Lt Keith joined up.
He spent an unbelievable 11 months in the field as an FO and returned for a 2nd Tour.

Lt_Wise.JPG117 viewsLt Joe Wise, B-1-35 and Lt Cal Grafe, 4.2mm Mortar Platoon Leader. Be sure and read "Run, But Don't Jump!" one of the funniest War Stories in our collection submitted by Cal!

Lt_Thomas,_FO.jpgThe FO Poster Boy117 viewsDate: 18 Nov 66. Place: Kontum.
There you have it...the classic FO in battle dress, M-16, and sleeves rolled up.

Firefight2.jpg117 viewsFirefight in progress. The use of smoke grenades was critical in Vietnam. It marked your position as well as marking where you wanted air support. The 105mm artillery used smoke rounds to mark where the HE was going to fall after adjusting.

Keith-Shaffer.jpg117 viewsLt Don Keith and Lt Randy Shaffer. Lt Shaffer was KIA.
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