
Jackie_c.JPGPhotos contributed by others118 viewsThis photo is captioned "Jackie & others". (PFC Jackie L. Catron).

AK-18.JPGAircraft at An Khe runway118 viewsRick admiring the Cobra before the sapper attack.

RRs-1.JPGCombat Survival118 viewsDean says when he first arrived as the FO for B-2-35, he was given a copy of "Standing Orders, Rogers Rangers." Dean kept it throughout his tour in Nam and just recently found it again.

LZ_Liz_Fire_Mission.jpgFire Mission!118 viewsMore firing from LZ Liz.

Cleaning_Weapons.jpgSmart Troopers118 viewsALWAYS clean your weapons! If nothing else, it's a way to kill the boredom.

JFO-7.JPGFire!118 viewsA military cot blocks the view of whatever is being fired, but this photo proves conclusively...without any doubt...that our combat brothers DID NOT use ear plugs? Eh? What's that? I'm entitled to VA hearing disability? Ya think?

JFO-37.JPGOfficer housing118 viewsBilleting improved a bit from those tents you saw earlier.

JFO-47.JPGSupplies have arrived118 viewsSitting among a ton of supplies, even including a bulldozer in the background.

JFO-63.JPGAnother RSOP118 viewsLooks like this battery is strapping up for a move to another location.

Joe_s_Gang.jpgJoe Henderson's Table118 viewsJoe Henderson surrounded by friends at the gala Saturday evening closing banquet.
Photo Courtesy of Joe Henderson

Shields75.jpgCrew in action118 viewsCrew loads another round.
L to R: SP4 Rick Satterfield, PFC Tony Heredia, PFC Mike Steele, PFC Walt Shields

Quad-50.jpgEd's Arsenal117 viewsQuad-50...some assembly required.
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