The Mighty Ninth

Strive To Reach The Summit

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Feb_69_Oasis5.JPGFebruary, 1969. The 8" cannon118 viewsHere's another look at it.
Feb_69_vip.jpgVIPs118 viewsThe "big bird" (Caribou) brings in the VIPs for a visit.
Lt_Huff.JPGJanuary, 1969. Lt Steven Riley Huffstutler, KIA118 viewsPictured in the middle of the photo without shirt is the FO, Lt. Huffstutler. He was killed in a helicopter crash on 18May69. Unknown LZ.
Mar_Leaving_Ben_Het.JPGOn the road, leaving Ben Het118 viewsYou could never tell what you would see on the side of any road in Vietnam.
DF-14.JPGReunion Photos - Danny "Cowboy" Fort118 viewsA visit to the basic trainees in the field at the hand grenade range. Many of these trainees were young women; completely unheard of in "our day".
DY-1.JPGReunion Photos - Danny Yates118 viewsThe 2/9th FA Commemorative Coin: Our Reunion Organizer, Maj Jerry Orr, presented each redleg veteran attending the reunion with a commemorative coin at the concluding Friday night banquet. Barbara Moeller, who assisted Jerry with the tours, presented the ladies with an initial charm.
DY-6.JPGReunion Photos - Danny Yates118 viewsInside the training living quarters. Our Guide indicates that all trainees must be at least this tall...or whatever he was pointing out.
DY-2.JPGReunion Photos - Danny Yates118 viewsOn the bus - Maj Jerry Orr worked very hard to arrange bus transportation for all the on-post events.
Jerry_Orr_and_Family.JPGOkla Military Hall of Fame118 views
SC-258.JPGModern Day Buddies118 viewsSteve Cox and Ron Watts...just a few years away from Vietnam.
JD-328.JPG118 views
Clint_Curry,_LZ_Marianne,_1969.JPGSp5 Clint Curry (deceased 4/18)118 viewsSp5 Charles C. Curry, also known as "Clint Curry", at LZ Marianne, Sept, 1969. As you probably note from the photos, Clint and I were nearly inseparable from the time I got to the Battery. He was a short-timer who took me under his wing (ETS'd from St. George the morning following the fight). Probably the most fearless guy I've ever known. I believe he and Joe Sleevi were FO party together on Chu Pa. According to Clint, he was told to "ruck up" and fill in as FO with Sleevi as his RTO. He says he told Sleevi he - Clint - would hump the PRC 25 and have Sleevi act as the FO since Joe was most experienced. Clint got the Bronze with "V" on his last night in the field at St. George (I believe it was downgraded from a Silver recommend). When we hooked up after 40+ years (we had both moved to new states) he paid me the highest compliment I've ever received (of course we had been drinking beau--effing-coup beer), that if he could only have one person to cover his back it would be me.
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