
dk2-5.JPG118 views

dk5-5.JPG118 views

034.JPG118 views

DY-8.jpgReady for action118 viewsProbably one of the most scenic and nicest places ever to set up a 105mm howitzer battery...right on the beach of the South China Sea.

DY-7.jpgProgress118 viewsYou can see the progress made in establishing this 2/9th battery position. It was set up close to the ammo dump.

DY-5.jpgRSOP In Progress118 viewsA battery moves to a new location.

MK196.jpgBack to Work118 viewsAfter being on R&R, you can smell Vietnam before you see it.

2008Reunion-06.jpgNot us!118 views"We don't believe any of it!" Lorraine, Jackie and Barb...as they listen to Don's stories.

WS-87.JPGCasino Limo?118 viewsUnlikely accomodations for "Casino Royale".

WS-94.JPGGood Place To Be118 viewsSp4 Howard Lee standing in front of the chow hall.

UnknownSoldier.jpgMen of B-1-35118 views

TR25.jpgRead all about it!118 viewsOne heckuva of an accidental discovery. It took four helo loads to bring the arms to LZ Valentine. Interesting to note that Sp4 John D. Grinde and 1SG JF Tibbit are active members of the 35th Inf Regt Assn and attended the annual reunion in Reno, 2009.
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