
DK-W7.jpg119 views

DK-W9.jpg119 views"Gee, it musta rained last night."

MK109.jpgOutdoor Stall119 viewsIf you get too full of yourself, there's always the piss tube.

MK157.jpgCessna 337 Skymaster119 viewsThe Cessna used by the "Cider FACs".

MK201.jpgFearless119 viewsCapt Peter Parrac, the most fearless pilot I've ever flown with.

MK239.jpgRTO119 viewsRTO Ray Plunkett relaxing at The Oasis.

MK243.jpgRambo119 viewsWhere do you think Rambo got the idea?

MK253.jpgWeapons Museum119 viewsThe 3rd Brigade Infantry TOC and NVA Weapons display Outside at “Brigade Fire Base Oasis”

GDS-253.JPG"The Freedom Bird"119 viewsSunrise from the C-141 "Freedom Bird". Supposed to land in Tacoma, Washington, but wound up at Travis AFB, CA. Kinda screwy, but what the heck...I was home! Check out the "war story" - "Tacoma, CA".

2008Reunion-09.jpgLet's Party119 views"Hey, these cats will rave on all night if you let them!" FO Lt Gary Dean Springer and Mary Schrey let all the banter slide.

Re08-1i.JPGTop of the Arch119 viewsEnjoying the downtown architecture from the top.

Re08-1c.JPGChurch of the Arch119 viewsInterior view of the Catholic Church located on the grounds of the Arch.
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