
AK-17.JPGGoing Home123 viewsA Lieutenant from California waiting for his ride home.

Shields84.jpgPicking up supplies?123 viewsHow many cases of Bud do you need?
Actually, SP4 Rick Kelim is leaving for home.

MK107.jpgChange of Command122 viewsOut with the old; in with the new. LtCol Rich Wiles, incoming 2/9th Arty Bn Commander facing Gen Izack, presiding.

MK122.jpgFire Mission122 viewsThis is what the Aerial Observer does. Note the rounds landing in center right.

MK145.jpgTCB122 viewsTime to get some laundry and sewing done.

MK160.jpgCider FACs122 viewsFlying with “Cider Facs” combined/coordinating Artillery & Air Strike Missions was very effective, and I felt a sense of personal accomplishment in trying to make a difference for the grunts on the ground.

MK165.jpgOn the ground122 viewsLots of firepower with combined missions.

MK241.jpgConvoy122 viewsConvoy Duty: just another day on the job...

MK251.jpgKids122 viewsYou found the kids along the roads very often.

WS-118.JPGCamp Enari122 viewsBunkers and Towers under construction at Camp Enari, 1969.

WS-136.JPGPskowski at Ammo Hooch122 viewsPFC Michael Pskowski (deceased Oct 73) stands outside the Ammo Hooch.

WSx-2.jpgMPC122 viewsMilitary Payment Certificate, value $1
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